5 Hour Energy needs to get it together

Hey there!

So since I get into YouTube binges every so often (like I’m sure most of us do) I stumble upon some really funny videos and a lot of weird videos. While watching an excess of videos one day, this one inparticular stuck out to me. Jenna Marbles (Mourey) and her boyfriend Julien talk about 5 Hour Energy’s Twitter account and how irrelivant their tweets are to their product in one of their vlogging videos.
Upon looking at it myself, I realize Jenna and Julien are absolutely right. I did find the tweets that they talk about, such as “We want to know: do you prefer a booth or a table while eating in a restaurant?” and several others. It seems as thought lately that they have been getting their act together and actually posting more relevant things and responding more to their fans tweeting them. They didn’t always post nonsense, only sometimes so it makes me wonder if it was just one intern who had no idea what they were doing and were either talked to about it or just taken off the Twitter account.

Not manning your internet accounts properly can hurt a company if they don’t pay attetion to what is being posted with your company name and logo on it. I’m unsure if it WAS an intern or not, but if it wasn’t then I would have no idea why a hired employee would be so… I’m not sure what word to use, but you get what I’m saying. The 5 Hour Energy company is just lucky they were just dumb tweets not irresponsible or disasterous, it already happened to other companies before.

So I want to know: What do you think about the irrelevant tweets? Do companies need to pay more attention to their accounts?

“The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.” – Bill Gates